

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Okay, so time to get back into my blogging routine...as well, as get some visitors to read my blog on a daily basis..hmmm how do I do such a thing. Well, if you Google my blog you will find me so hopefully people will find me soon cause I am lonely...LOL... Sorry, I have been slacking on my blogging duties but life has just gotten in the way big time. But im here to change that one. 

Well, today I went to my first university meeting, it felt great to get out of the house and socialize with others that were doing the same and going to school, to which I am hoping to be enrolled in January as a full time student...Yay me!!!

Its kinda funny, lately J has been saying over and over "I'm getting up at 6 am for school" and Ill ask her if she wants me to wake her at 6 and she sternly says to me nope I've got my alarm set and ill get up myself. Well, what do you all think has been happening the past 3, count them 1,2,3 mornings...lolol...the first 2 mornings I woke her up and well this morning I didn't even hear my 7 am alarm go off but I got woken up by J saying "mom, mom...can you call school and tell them I'm gonna be 5 minutes late???...please..." all in a panic...Let me ask anyone who might read this...Is it bad, me being a stay at home mom that I'm not getting her up and making sure shes is punctual for school being a 7th grader and in Jr. High or is this teaching her a lesson or trying to teach her a lesson for the years to come? Cause I'm kinda struggling with it. I know ultimately it is my responsibility but when she stands there so sternly and basically tells me not to do it almost like OK fine, miss smarty pants...lol...but where or when does it end that she needs to know that mom isn't going be her fall back person and she needs to responsible. I remember back when she was in Jefferson Elementary school and they yelled at me for apologizing for not waking up, meaning its her responsibility not mine. But still I feel bad more so cause I am a stay at home mom and what else is my job but to get her up for school but then again its like she rely on me and I don't want her getting so used to it that when she gets older she cant get up herself. 

As for the pint sized one...She is my little porker...lol..She is and has become my little terror. Recently had to install child proof door thingy's and outlet covers, those of which I never had to do with J. The other night after dinner we were sitting in the living room watching television and out wanders D with my metal vase and her other sippy cup in her mouth like no bodies business. While it was funny I was truly amazed and that was when I realized it was time to child proof everything. Not to mention, we have to keep remembering to put up the gate for the bathroom because someone has this obsession with the toilet and playing in it. I'm sure most kids do but it rather grosses me out and while the toilet is clean, I do have that toilet bowl cleaner stuff in(ya know the blue tide bowl stuff). So I cant imagine its any good for her. haha.. Anyways she is driving me nuts with grabbing things and not to mention....If anyone decides to rent movies from Red box, make sure you don't loose a movie like hmmm I have...(no help from D) because she likes to play with them...but they will charge you a 60.00 charge...I know this because unforgettably it has happened twice. THANKS to my little porker...lolol...

But beyond that, I think that is all for the day...I will be back tomorrow for more thrilling and adventurous news to report...Stay tunes for your local and up to date family fun...lolol... 

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