

Monday, July 30, 2012

The last couple of days!!!

Well, I know Ive been working on my blog the last couple of days trying new things and just well...simply getting it up and running. Its coming along slowly and I am sure I will still adding things as I go along but I will promise to start updating it more often. 

So, what have we all been up to since I last blogged. Well, hmmm....Took a trip to the wonderful city of Boston and it was by far the best trip in sooo long, I would say. I guess you could say I needed it. I have to say Pork chop is the best road trippin baby to with us. She loved the trip, she was dancin in her carseat, singin along with the tunes, laughing and screaming(out of joy or whatever you want to call it). We decided that after careful planning and some other things that came up for the positive, that it is official we will be Massachusette's residents soon. Other than the good things, just need to start fresh, Babygurl needs to be able to experience things and be able to be in a place that she can grow and learn from. Here in Wisconsin there isn't much to learn from except for cows and cheese. LOL... 

I, for one need a change of pace and a new start. I feel like I am in a rut and since my life cant go back to the way it used to be, I have to start new. I was told to look at it this way, I am carving a new path in my life which is a good way to look at it. I need a new routine and I just lost my way here in Wisconsin, If anyone knows how I feel. I am going to be attending the University of Massachusetts-Boston, I am so excited to be attending an actual campus based school, for most of you who know me all Ive been doing is online college courses so this will definitely be a switch for me and I am so looking forward to it, a little scared but confident of the challenge that awaits me.

Hmmm, What else is new...Oh yeah, I dont like to talk about this on this blog but I am having to search out myself of course again for yet another Spine Specialist. In the last month or so Ive had increasing amount of pain that makes it hard to do the simplest household chores and even give pork chop a bath. Thank the good lord for Babygurl because she is my saving grace. Ive been pushing myself to atleast help out with the dishes and vaccuming ever so often, so atleast I feel like Im mom and Im doing my duties as mom, if you know what i mean. I often feel useless or not needed and it does get me down. So Im hopeing that this Spine doctor can do something for me, christ Ive had 2 back surgeries and you would have thought after those two, Id be better. I mean I can handle daily pain but when it interferes with lifes abilities to do simple tasks then I just cant deal with that or accept it. 

Well, off to get the rest of my homework done and ready for bed, Ive been staying up way too late and Pork chop has been getting up way too early than normal. Right, just my luck...Hey!!! Plus, we have had a guest at the house the last couple of nights, my adopted daughter I guess you could call her..I missed her..shes such a sweetie...We had planned on taking her home tonight but we are gonna keep her another night...She's stuck with us...Its okay cause she loves me!!!!


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