

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Yay!!! Updates, If your interested, Im back!

Hey!!! Hows everyone doing??? I am doing great!!! Well, I am starting to get back to the old Me again and start enjoying life and doing all the things I have been slacking on big time...Like..hmmm...This wonderful blog..Soooo!!!!


 Well, for starters, my baby gurlz....They are fantastic. Pork chop, has now officially been changed to my "Monkey Gurl", tho she still is my little pork chop. We had a little incident that I am so surprised I didn't end up in the hospital for a heart attack. I was doing dishes and I laid her down for her afternoon nap like I always do, her sister of course still sleeping the day away. All of a sudden out of the blue I hear this thud...I go running cause my fears all came to a head as my heart almost came thru my throat with my hands still soapy and all, MY WORST FEAR CAME TRUE...all I see as I round the corner of the bedroom door is this blonde ball of hair and she is screaming....I'm holding back the tears cause I don't want to scare her anymore...So I scoop her up as quick as I possibly could and after about 5 minutes shes called down and I could assess the damages...lol.. Well, luckily all the little DAREDEVIL managed to do is scare the living crap out on not only herself by far but also her momma!! lol... So, I immediately lowered her crib mattress all the way to the lowest setting there is and now she is back to being head level to the top of the crib...I know it will only be a matter of time that my little daredevil decides to try that little stunt again, but for the time being my little blonde monkey is safe and sound. Thank the good lord above. 

That very moment I saw her laying there screaming gave me a huge eye opener to have short live can really be and how much I need to just enjoy the simple things!! I have also started to just thank everyday for the simple things in life as well as the loved ones and close friends I have and I thank the lord everyday for that.

what else is new, I have started I guess you could say get back into my old routine of my mommy duties..lol..But this time, I went on the internet and found a bunch of recipes. Yes an assortment of them, side dishes, dinner meals, desserts and I put them in a binder and made a calendar for meals for the week and a shopping list of what I need so this way my anxiety stays down and no one is saying "Mom, whats for dinner??" You know that so infamous statement every child asks everyday..lol..I must say kudos to the Kraft website because they are simply awesome. So if you get the chance, check it www.Kraft.com ,I believe is the  address, and you will find everything you could imagine and they are simple things but there are some ones that are simply to die for!!! 

I am sooo sad to report my Babygurl started her 1st day of Jr. High, and I didn't get a picture of it, it was Tuesday and its not funny, but ironic tho...she was late..lol.. And actually I have left it up to her this week to be the big girl she claims she is and get herself up for school...NOPE!!!!...not happening..She has been late more than she has gone to school, so I have a solution to this nice little problem...We are going to get up at 6:30 a.m. and have breakfast and it will be our own little mommy and daughter time and this way she has no problems getting up and then I also can get my posting in and my homework done after she leaves, drink my coffee and get the baby her breakfast in her tummy...Sounds like a great plan...

Well, I think that's about all the updates for right now, Oh one more thing...No moving to Massachusetts like I previously posted, tho I am kinda upset cause it was beautiful there and I loved it, It was way tooo expensive to live. While I would get more in social security benefit, it would all be taken up in rent and that's if we could find a place to get in at a reasonable price. So our next idea is maybe Illinois or I was looking at one other place but Ill let ya'll know that when the time is right...hehehe...Can ya tell I want out of Wisconsin...My time here has been plenty and now its time to move on as they say!!


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