

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Okie dokie, Im back...I took a little time off...I know I shouldnt but hey life gets a little busy with kids and school and just life in general..It shouldnt since I tried to dedicate myself to my blog and I'm going to once again try my hardest to try first thing in the morning to blog my days business and then end it with what has happend!!!

So, I felt great this morning, woke J up and got her off to school, well, she comes in and says mom its so cold out can you drive me to school. Really??? Ya big chicken...Put your jacket on and walk your happy little butt to school...When it gets really cold out then Ill drive ya to school until then nope, not gonna happen..lol..Is that bad of me?? lol...

So, instead of going back and laying down like I usually do while D is sleeping, knowing that I have a boat load of stuff to do today..I got my happy little butt in the shower, did my hair and makeup...You know..mommy time, me time..and gosh...It felt great...and sure enough just as I got finished...I heard D rambling on and on....It was soo cute...So guess what time it was....D time and lord knows if D doesnt get her time when she wants it...The house isnt a happy house...lol..

So fed and changed her and now not only is D a happy camper but Mom can get her stuff worked on and all is well in the house...lol...

So todays plans are...

  • Get the car to Volkswagon and call Enterprise for my rental car....
  • Come back home and go to my Doctor appt. for x-rays first on my neck and middle back.
  • Then my appt. with my surgeon to find the results from the xrays to find out what if any damage is to my upper spine and what happens next.
  • Find out if and when my carpal tunnel surgery is....Nice huh!!!
  • Find out they are going to blood work to find out why my L5-S1 vertebrae is fused when the surgeons didnt do, which means my body did it...which means I need answers from my surgeon.
  • Get my perscription for physical therapy again.
  • Schedule physical therapy...Yay...like Im excited about that one...lol..
  • Come home and figure out what Im going to make for dinner...which if anyone knows me well enough that is a chore in itself and a big anxiety issue for me....Dont ask me why but it is...

Hopefully by this time I can finally relax and veg for a little while on the couch while J tells me about her day at school. Oh yeah J is bringing home her little boyfriend for me to meet...Should be quite interesting to say the least.

I did however already this morning get my quiz for class done so now all I have to do is 2 replys and I am finished with class for the day. The only problem is usually no one has really posted anything except for the teacher so Ill probably work on my class reply later tonight when everything has been done and dinner has been finished.

So as for no I think Im gonna say see ya...

Later Taterz....

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Today was awesome!!!

Well, today was awesome...my little bug drank from a straw for the first time...yay!!! she was so cute and thought she was big and tough...acted like she was a pro...Started my new class...I am so happy and enjoying this class, everyday sociology and its going great, Im gonna say it...so far...I know Im jinxing myself. But oh well...

I had such a productive day and I feel great. Tommorro J has a doctors appointment at 8:40 am for her toe. So I am going to have another productive day as well and just keep the positive energy going. I have too and that is all there is to it.

I made chicken and dumplings for the first time and it turned out great. wooohoo...hehe..I am just so happy right now, and I have felt like this is so long. I didnt take a nap and didnt sleep til noon today. So hopefully when I finally lay my head on the pillow I will be able to sleep through the night.

Well, off to yummy icecream from A&W....wooohoo...

Later taterz,

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Hey everyone...Today was a great start to the weekend. J went to her dads yesterday for the weekend, he came and picked her up. It was nice to sit and talk with him without any fights like we have been having lately. It seems to be like it used to be years ago.

I made dinner last night, Mashed potatoes and my chicken recipe. Yummy dinner it sure was. Even had left overs and D even liked the chicken too! Which suprised me but hey thats just more of a bonus.

D has been such a little devil. Im so not used to it, J was never this much of one, but I was told, If you have a second child they are going to the worst of the two. Boy, oh boy were they right.. but then she looks up and smiles and all you can do is laugh. Gave her a bath last night and right before I took her out she does the unthinkable. Gave me a nice present....Yep, you guessed it. Pooped right in the tub so I ended up having to clean the tub after I got her out. It was so nasty...Thanks alot D...LOL...

So, today I started my new little part time endevour...I started Secret Shopping. It doesnt pay alot but does get me out of the house and it so far since this is my first time, is quite interesting to say the least. I have a couple other ones going at the same time. Like I said I just started and it isnt alot of money but it keeps me busy and gets me out of the house. So Im kind of excited.

Well, off to start my studies, hope you all have a great weekend...

Later taters,

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Well, we took the little one in the other day, she needs glasses..Yep little baby glasses...so we shall see how we are going to get her to keep them on, that should be interesting to say the least...lol..but I think she is going to look way too cute in them...hehe..

So this is my little recap of whats been going on...

We figured out the little porker..hehe...loves her potato chips and watch out because if you have them, she has them now!!!

I finally have a schedule on how to start my day with everything, tho its still a work in progress but its coming along...so here goes...

  1. Depending on what time the little one wakes up, usually anytime between 6-8, she has her "Good Morning" cereal by Beechnut, then sometimes a bottle to follow depending on her mood. Followed by a nap, sometimes mom too but I want to start my walks then. Just havent done it.
  2. Anywhere from 10-12, when she wakes up then its oatmeal time and she knows it and if she doesnt get her Quaker oatmeal...Watch out cause shes on a rampage...lol..Its just way too cute...
  3. I figure now is my time to work for about an hour on my homework.
  4. Next, I figure check my email and sit down and work on my blogs.
  5. I started to do this mystery shopping thingy, just started to check it out, so I let you all know how it goes.
Now after I finish all that, Its time to clean up the house and do my chores and any time around 2pm is usually when little one lays down for a nap and then around 3:20 J comes home from school.

I decided to start talking to J about how her day was at school and whats new and then its time to figure out what for dinner and start making it.

So, I think Ive got a good plan started, besides the little whom has her own schedule all set pretty much in stone...thats what my day is like usually on a regular basis...

Until later taterz...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sorry so blunt and to the point...but hey!!!

So, I know I have deserted my poor little blog here for sometime, I am so sorry. I am back I promise and I am here to say that because I have to change and why do I have to??? Well, not only for myself do I have to change and make life a much better place but also for my girls because they deserve their mommy back and a better mommy than ever before. I am only 34 for Christ sake and I need to start living again. I need to quit thinking about my pains even tho I struggle every day but I need to just fight again like I used to...So I've come up with a game plan...wooohooo...can you tell I've given this a'lot of thought and I'm back kicking and screaming because if I don't I am gonna loose the important people around me and then what or why am I really  fighting for except for myself which, yes is a good reason but its not good enough or I should say its still not a good enough of a reason to fight as hard for. I have spent the last 12 years fighting a really tough battle to keep my head above water and showing everyone that despite the odds and let me tell ya there were a ton of odds at times against me. Yet when the cards were stacked against me and no one was there to fight with me or for me, it was my daughter who stood beside me and fought just as hard to move forward and guess what folks we are here today to say "Screw you to everyone that talked bad or laughed at us, cause we don't need anyone who doesn't believe in the real us." 

These are the things I have come up with 

Now, I'm sure there are a lot of you, that's if you read this blog and see this post, that don't think or believe I go through daily struggle's with pain and my back. I'm sure there are a lot of you out there that because of our wonderful world of Facebook see pictures and what not....I'm gonna tell ya first and foremost, and set the book straight (or however you say it)...lol...Just because I post pictures or I have taken a trip here or there doesn't mean squat!!!!...My life quite frankly sucks on daily basis, on the level of pain. The reason I post pictures and took a trip here or there is for either my kids benefit or for my sanity....After a person has two FAILED back surgeries, develops several other conditions because I couldn't find a doctor soon enough to fix my back, I don't sleep much due to pain, cant do regular household chores like I used...so on and so forth..Or quite frankly Live a normal life....Don't you think I might deal with the pain once or twice in awhile to make my kids happy....I am so sick of hearing people say that she doesn't seem like there's anything wrong with here cause shes doing this or that. Better yet, how about finding a doctor that will help you but you cant because of the medication you have to take but you still live in pain daily PAIN PILLS STILL AREN'T STRONG ENOUGH. NOT BECAUSE YOUR ADDICTED TO THEM BUT BECAUSE YOUR PAIN TOLERANCES IS SO FREAK-EN HIGH......Yet people call you a pill popper and doctors look at you as a addict....I don't have to but I will...I'm not an addict and I know this because.....when I got pregnant with  who is a year now, I was on Oxycontin 2 times a day and percocet I could if needed 4 times a day, tho I didn't take the perc's 4 times a day, I quit taking the oxy's and perc's cold turkey when I found out I was pregnant. No side affects after taking them over a year. Now I would say normally for anyone that is addicted to them would die, but I'm lucky enough not to be addicted to either of them. The problem I have is the intense pain without them because of the back surgeries not working. Though when I was pregnant I did take a percocet daily because it was worse on the baby if you are in so much pain, too hard on the baby... (you can google it if you don't believe me) Besides that, I'm to the point now, if you want to call me a pill popper without knowing me or talk about me to others like people do, then go ahead if it makes you feel better because I just done with you and I don't need you in my life. I'm 34 and all I want are people that are going to understand what I go through a daily basis and support me because its difficult for right now and if you cant understand and your going to judge me than just walk away and do it now rather than later...

~~Me~~Im beginning to get find my muchness again!!!

So today I attempted to go for my injections for my hip but because I'm still under the weather with this horrible cold, this push them back until November 1st. Ugh...I'm sooo dreading them..I know they will help me feel better. well, at least I'm hoping they will, but I am not looking forward to the pain that comes first before the relief. Now, I'm starting to have pain between my shoulder blades, but I'm hoping its just from sleeping funny and not from my lower back being messed up for so many years but they are going to do x-rays and we shall see from there. Can only hope for the best, so they say...lol...

Went, yesterday to the local hair salon and got my hair cut and styled...something that has been needed for so long and the girl, Sarah, did an awesome job. Hair with Flair, I must say is an awesome place and they always do great work. If your in Manitowoc and need your hair done...that's def. the place to go..lol...I needed it for 2 reasons....I needed for myself for one and the other, well, its been since I had my surgery that I had a hair cut and it was getting so straggly that it was horrible looking and just bringing me down so bad. I'm starting this new overhaul on myself and its taking sometime to get underway but slowly but surely I'm gonna get back to the old me and Ill be happy. That's why I started another blog and its all about me getting back to my old self and it sure has been a difficult 2 years or so of my life, between finding out the demons inside of me that I didn't know where there and just dealing with life on a whole new playing field and by that I mean being disabled. Being disabled sure does play games with your mind and play havoc with your body and such that I never thought would. Its horrible. I thought looking back, I figured "oh its gonna be great I get to stay home with the girls, not have to work and I can get all the things accomplished that I've been wanting to do but just haven't had the time to do so." Wrong, wrong, wrong. Sometimes I wish I could go back to work. I haven't nearly gotten half the things accomplished I wanted to, but I do like being home with the girls, but on the flip side it has gotten so bad that there's times I've slept until 5. Okay, so enough of this down in the dumps blah, blah, blah stuff...lol..

J, again woke up late...I over slept...bad mommy...lolol...but shes got my cold again..we just keep passing it around to each other, it just never fails..lol..I must say I am not liking this Algebra class I started...I cant even get passed the first question...I know I am in trouble and I am on the first week of class..ut oh...lol...

Well, I'm gonna leave and visit my other blog and catch up on that one for awhile since I've been lagging on that one big time. Until later, be good all...

later taterz,

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Okay, so time to get back into my blogging routine...as well, as get some visitors to read my blog on a daily basis..hmmm how do I do such a thing. Well, if you Google my blog you will find me so hopefully people will find me soon cause I am lonely...LOL... Sorry, I have been slacking on my blogging duties but life has just gotten in the way big time. But im here to change that one. 

Well, today I went to my first university meeting, it felt great to get out of the house and socialize with others that were doing the same and going to school, to which I am hoping to be enrolled in January as a full time student...Yay me!!!

Its kinda funny, lately J has been saying over and over "I'm getting up at 6 am for school" and Ill ask her if she wants me to wake her at 6 and she sternly says to me nope I've got my alarm set and ill get up myself. Well, what do you all think has been happening the past 3, count them 1,2,3 mornings...lolol...the first 2 mornings I woke her up and well this morning I didn't even hear my 7 am alarm go off but I got woken up by J saying "mom, mom...can you call school and tell them I'm gonna be 5 minutes late???...please..." all in a panic...Let me ask anyone who might read this...Is it bad, me being a stay at home mom that I'm not getting her up and making sure shes is punctual for school being a 7th grader and in Jr. High or is this teaching her a lesson or trying to teach her a lesson for the years to come? Cause I'm kinda struggling with it. I know ultimately it is my responsibility but when she stands there so sternly and basically tells me not to do it almost like OK fine, miss smarty pants...lol...but where or when does it end that she needs to know that mom isn't going be her fall back person and she needs to responsible. I remember back when she was in Jefferson Elementary school and they yelled at me for apologizing for not waking up, meaning its her responsibility not mine. But still I feel bad more so cause I am a stay at home mom and what else is my job but to get her up for school but then again its like she rely on me and I don't want her getting so used to it that when she gets older she cant get up herself. 

As for the pint sized one...She is my little porker...lol..She is and has become my little terror. Recently had to install child proof door thingy's and outlet covers, those of which I never had to do with J. The other night after dinner we were sitting in the living room watching television and out wanders D with my metal vase and her other sippy cup in her mouth like no bodies business. While it was funny I was truly amazed and that was when I realized it was time to child proof everything. Not to mention, we have to keep remembering to put up the gate for the bathroom because someone has this obsession with the toilet and playing in it. I'm sure most kids do but it rather grosses me out and while the toilet is clean, I do have that toilet bowl cleaner stuff in(ya know the blue tide bowl stuff). So I cant imagine its any good for her. haha.. Anyways she is driving me nuts with grabbing things and not to mention....If anyone decides to rent movies from Red box, make sure you don't loose a movie like hmmm I have...(no help from D) because she likes to play with them...but they will charge you a 60.00 charge...I know this because unforgettably it has happened twice. THANKS to my little porker...lolol...

But beyond that, I think that is all for the day...I will be back tomorrow for more thrilling and adventurous news to report...Stay tunes for your local and up to date family fun...lolol...